When Children Stop Believing in God, Schools Play a Major Role

Recently, National Review published an article with an intriguing and terrifying title, “Why American Children Stopped Believing in God.” It discusses the effects of public education on the faith-life of children. The last line is blunt. “But the only real road to religious revival is the one that begins with each parent’s first step out … Read more

Three Surprising Reasons Why Democrats Avoid Religion

Looking over the political landscape, many point to the decline in religious practice as the handwriting on the wall that the political future belongs to the unchurched, atheists and agnostics. Liberals conclude it is only a matter of time before the secular tide will turn in their favor. Let people cling to their religion for … Read more

Little Sisters of the Poor Deserve Mercy!

One of the most shocking executions during the French Revolution was that of four sisters, Gabrielle, Marguerite, Claire and Olympe Vaz de Mello. After the death of their parents, these pious ladies devoted their lives to caring for the sick and downtrodden. In spite of their goodness, or rather because of it, they were dragged … Read more

Imagine No Imagine

Return to Order Imagine No Imagine

A few days ago, the small a capella choir at the public high school in which I teach received a special opportunity to showcase their considerable skills. A local television station invited them to sing one selection which was to be telecast. The members of this choir, some of whom I teach, were understandably excited … Read more