Manhood: A Catholic Look at a Much-Needed Commentary

Manhood: A Catholic Look at a Much-Needed Commentary

Plenty of men live their lives avoiding responsibility, work and effort. Many have no idea of the purpose of their lives and where they want to go. Others recoil before a culture that interprets any movement to male character development or leadership as hateful and oppressive. All these masculine figures are missing one vital ingredient: … Read more

How Grace Creates a Harmonic, Healthy and Catholic Economy

How Grace Creates a Harmonic, Healthy and Catholic Economy

There is a hidden gem in Brazil called Ouro Preto. It is a small city, but it serves as a beautiful example of how grace can move souls to fashion a harmonic, healthy and thoroughly Catholic society. This city is built upon abundant natural resources. It is rich in minerals and precious metals, especially gold. … Read more

Where Integralism Goes Wrong

Where Integralism Goes Wrong

A grand debate is raging inside the Catholic world over the role of the political order in a Christian society. Many have seen the secular world’s failure to address the needs of the soul and thus reject liberalism’s artificial separation of the political and spiritual spheres. One proposed philosophy is called Integralism. It comes from … Read more

How a Pilgrimage Can Make a Difference

During these troubling times, sometimes a person feels overwhelmed and hopeless.  Some ask, “what can I do? I’m just one person.” Today every faithful Catholic faces overwhelming public immorality, abortion, lawlessness and hatred towards God and the Catholic faith. Such overwhelming attacks can tempt us to think any reaction won’t make any difference. Free Book: … Read more

Making Sense of the Chaos that is Destroying America

This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the breakup of the Soviet Union, the world’s first communist state. In 1991, the Western world was euphoric at the supposed “death” of communism and the end of the Cold War. The suddenness with which both the USSR and the Berlin Wall fell led some observers to believe … Read more

How Christian Ladies Opposed Feminist Women’s Day

Every year, many ladies look forward to Lady Day on March 8. It is a way to fight the lies of the feminist-inspired International Women’s Day. A quick search on the event’s website reveals its not-so-hidden agenda, under the name of “Women’s Empowerment.” This is just another way of saying abortion, egalitarianism, LGBTQ agendas, everything … Read more

This is How the Virgin Mary Converted Alphonse Ratisbonne

This is How the Virgin Mary Converted Alphonse Ratisbonne

Alphonse Ratisbonne was a young Jew from a family of well-established bankers in Strasbourg, France. He also was socially prominent due to his wealth and blood-ties to the Rothschild. In 1827, Alphonse’s older brother, Thèodore, converted to Catholicism and entered the priesthood, thus breaking with his family whose hopes now lay in the young Alphonse, … Read more

Why True Beauty Attracts And Converts Youth

A recent study by a youth organization linked to England’s Anglican Church states that “church buildings are very influential in the conversion of youth to Christianity.” Analyzing this study, the Daily Telegraph of London quotes that “around 13 percent of teenagers said that they decided to become a Christian after a visit to a church … Read more

During this Advent, May Grace Rain on a Sinful World

Advent: From the Latin ad-venio, to come to. “Send down the dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the Just One: let the earth be opened, and bud forth the Redeemer.” These words of the Advent hymn, Rorate Caeli, echo the longings of the Fathers of old for the coming of a … Read more

How Suffering Can Make America Spiritually Great

I first saw him on Twitter and was touched by his messages. I still don’t know that much about him. In the fast world of social media, there is hardly time to read anything. However, I believe people like him represent the future of America. The first thing to report is that he is a … Read more