Over 1,100 Rosary Rallies for Police who Maintain Law and Order!

Over 1,100 Rosary Rallies for Police who Maintain Law and Order!

On November 12, America Needs Fatima’s Rosary Rally Captains mobilized to beseech Saint Michael to intercede for law enforcement officers. The result was over 1,100 Rosary rallies nationwide. The Rally Captains report both much public support and appreciation from the police. The promotion of Public Square Rosary Rallies is a special project of the America … Read more

A Glimpse into the Minds of “Social Justice Warriors” at the University of Texas

A Glimpse into the Minds of “Social Justice Warriors” at the University of Texas

On Halloween night, someone shot a man in the West Campus neighborhood near the University of Texas at Austin. According to KXAN news, the injuries were “serious, but not life threatening.” Austin’s CBS television station told the story in matter-of-fact tones. A Routine Case – An Insane Reaction “The Austin Police Department is investigating a shooting that … Read more

We Must Not Ask Our Police to Do the Impossible

We are asking our police officers to do the impossible. In the present atmosphere of great decadence, they cannot keep order. We have saddled them with the task of enforcing the law while constantly undermining it through our culture. Until we address this contradiction, the police’s task will be an exercise in futility. The Wrong … Read more

Could Critical Race Theory Become the Law of the Land?

Critical race theory holds that society is “structurally racist” and that only its wholesale “restructuring” can fix the problem. Many schools and workplaces have embraced the idea by implementing training programs. Employees are browbeaten into accepting the concept and then forced to take their own “responsibility” in perpetuating a racist society. Those courageous enough to … Read more

Saint Michael’s Police Rallies Blanket America

“There doesn’t seem to be anyone against us,” I thought as I stood at a busy intersection with a sign asking people to honk in support of the police. The response was overwhelming. The din was such that it was hard to talk to other participants nearby. I was comforted by knowing that my rally … Read more

The Rule of YouTube Is Replacing the Rule of Law

A new rule is replacing the rule of law in America today. This new rule utilizes modern technology and social media. However, it channels old habits and sinister forces of mob rule that have always led to disorder. The new rule might be called the rule of YouTube. It consists of the immediate judgment of … Read more

Dialing 911 to Ask God and His Angels to Help Our Police

If there is one thing I take for granted, it is the police. I know that if I call 911, they will be there to address my problem. Day in, day out, crimes take place across the nation. Accidents happen that endanger lives. One day the person in need might be me. However, the recent … Read more

How Governor Cuomo Blames Everyone But Himself

Most people would like to forget about the first six month of 2020. So many aspects of daily life have changed that there is a kind of nostalgia for 2019. Many ache for a return to a time when most adults went to work every day, children spent five days a week in school, and … Read more

How a Network Lost Viewers by Abandoning the Police

Businesses have long based their policies on what makes money. They need to create the conditions that will bring customers back. Thus, when companies abruptly change course, people assume it is linked to the company’s bottom line. If directors perceive something that will impact their reputation and profits, they will find ways not to offend … Read more