Time to Get Rid of the Chevron Ruling that Is Suffocating Industry

Time to Get Rid of the Chevron Ruling that Is Suffocating Industry

The burden of overregulation weighs heavily upon American industry. It saddles the business world with burdens that stifle initiative and diminish profits. One Supreme Court decision that reinforces and codifies this government regulation is Chevron U.S.A. v. National Resources Defense Council. The 1984 ruling over a Clean Air Act regulation held that when confronted with … Read more

Why Regulation Does Not Always Work

Return to Order Why Regulation Does Not Always Work

It is astonishing to see how so many people think unbalanced markets can be regulated into order. They think that stopping abuses with straitjacket regulations will solve all problems. In the case of frenzied markets, this usually addresses the effects not the causes of financial instability. Moreover, most regulations, however good-intentioned, are often circumvented by … Read more