Marijuana Use: the Basis for a Godless Culture

Many discuss the dangers of marijuana but few address how it can destroy Western Christian culture. The Liberal Agenda To Legalize Marijuana However, this harm is plausible, given the left’s efforts to make the legalization of marijuana a vital part of its agenda. A decriminalization bill will soon be presented to the House of Representatives.1 … Read more

When Social Activism Outweighs Good Grammar

For at least a half-century, there has been a cadre of highly trained men and women that appear to be on a mission to destroy our common culture. They are being paid with public dollars. They have access to legions of young people, whom they are training to do their bidding. They can say and … Read more

Why Students Wander In The Dark Without Western Civilization

The word university comes from the Latin universitas magistrorum et scholarium which means a community of scholars and teachers. They gathered together in search of the truth. Its medieval Catholic origins speak of a unified worldview that encompassed all sciences and disciplines. It embraced all that is physical, from the stars in the sky to … Read more