Could Critical Race Theory Become the Law of the Land?

Critical race theory holds that society is “structurally racist” and that only its wholesale “restructuring” can fix the problem. Many schools and workplaces have embraced the idea by implementing training programs. Employees are browbeaten into accepting the concept and then forced to take their own “responsibility” in perpetuating a racist society. Those courageous enough to … Read more

Being Liberal is not Enough to Satisfy the Leftists’ Blood Lust

When young liberals realize liberalism is false, many describe this process as being “mugged by reality.” Usually, the process is a product of solitary reflection. However, in an age when privacy is virtually obsolete, this revelation can also happen online. One such case is Jodi Shaw and her rocky relationship with the liberals at Smith … Read more

Anti-Racism Will Hurt the People It Pretends to Help

In education circles, the current catchphrase is “anti-racism.” It replaces the idea that the best way to eliminate racism was to be deliberately “colorblind.” For decades, public schools saw themselves as fighting racism by being colorblind. Non-Racist or Anti-Racist? The handbook of the new movement is How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi. … Read more

Are Catholic Schools Becoming Antifa Recruiting Centers?

In the wake of Covid-19 and the disturbances following the death of George Floyd, the people at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) seem not to know which end is up. This conclusion naturally arises when looking at the material on its website titled “Catholic School Resources for Combatting Racism,” and especially the videotaped panel … Read more

Three Reasons Why Catholics Cannot Support the BLM Revolution

An editorial in The New York Times by Elizabeth Bruenig titled “Racism Makes a Liar of God” presents a sentimental yet stinging indictment of Catholics who reject the present anti-racist activism. She cannot understand why these generally conservative Catholics cannot bring themselves to pronounce the three explosive words: Black Lives Matter. The editorial calls upon … Read more

The Anti-Family Attack against the “Racist” Cracker Barrel

In 1966, Mao Zedong launched his “Cultural Revolution.” He decided that Red China’s greatest enemy was tradition. He made war on what he called “The Four Olds.” These consisted of old ideas, old customs, old culture, and old habits. It seems the left in America is borrowing Mao’s old ideas. In the name of changing … Read more

These Are Not Riots. This is Revolution

In the face of the violence and rioting rocking the country, we face a painful reality. While all must deplore the death of George Floyd, we must recognize that the riots reflect a society in crisis, not bad law enforcement policies or “systemic” injustice. We need to acknowledge a much greater problem than racism—which is … Read more

When Radical Is Not Radical Enough in American Education

When Radical Is Not Radical Enough in American Education

For a least a half-century, American education has been run by an informal alliance of five groups. The coalition consists of the faculty of schools of education, associations of school administrators, the two major teachers’ unions, the U.S. Department of Education and its state counterparts and the civil rights establishment. What unites this diverse group … Read more