Urge Biden to Apologize for Honoring Vice Instead of Christ


On March 29, 2024, the Biden White House chose to celebrate “Transgender Day of Visibility,” setting it on the same day as Easter Sunday. The White House made a loud and clear statement of choosing to celebrate unnatural vice, which is a practical rejection of Christ, who redeemed the world from the slavery of sin. According to reports:

“The White House is under fire after declaring Easter Sunday as ‘Transgender Visibility Day.’ It is a direct attack on the holiest day in the Christian faith. The Biden Administration also failed to post a proclamation about Good Friday…

“‘I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity,’ President Biden declared in the proclamation. ‘Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans: You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. You belong. You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back.'”

(Source: ToddStarnes.com)

Sources indicate the “Transgender Day of Visibility” was initially launched in 2009. This is also the fourth time that President Biden has honored the day by giving official recognition to it.

This is a terrible act for our country, coming from the president acting in his official capacity as a head of state. This makes the sin much more serious in the eyes of God. We must protest. If the head of our country uses his position to promote sin, we must show God that the heart of the nation absolutely rejects this abomination.

Please sign our petition, showing your rejection of this outrage, and demanding an apology from the White House.

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To: Joseph R Biden, President of the United States,

I am appalled at the official recognition of "Transgender Day of Visibility," on March 29, 2024.

This is a serious offense against God, as it promotes a lifestyle that is in direct contradiction to God's order and beauty within creation.

It is an even graver offense that you have chosen to do so in your official capacity of President of the United States on Easter Sunday, the day set aside to celebrate Christ's Resurrection and His victory over sin and death.

I protest against this grave affront to God, and express to you and to the nation at large my heartfelt rejection of this blasphemy. I urgently request that you offer public apology for this offense against our Creator and our Nation.

Celebrate Christ, not vice.

Sincerely and urgently,
