Protest against “transgender” clinics at Catholic universities —


Two “Catholic” universities are promoting homosexual sin, by assisting clients in changing legal documents to match their “gender identity.” The University of San Diego and Loyola Marymount University both have student-run groups that give legal assistance to “transgender” Californians to obtain or change documents to be something other than their sex assigned at birth. According to reports:

“University of San Diego [USD] and Loyola Marymount University [LMU], both Catholic colleges, host name and gender marker change clinics run by law students. The clinics assist trans and nonbinary people in California who want to change their name and/or gender marker on documents like birth certificates, marriage licenses, driver’s licenses, passports, and social security cards.


“USD’s clinic started in 2018 and meets virtually about once a month… According to clinic volunteers and attorneys, USD’s clinic has helped more than 1,200 people since opening in 2018.”

(Source: Sojo .net)

This is a serious scandal. No organization should be promoting such immorality, least of all one that boasts of a Catholic identity. It is a grave scandal for these groups to assist confused souls in pursuing a lie about the nature and identity which God gave them. The Bible affirms, “Male and female God created them” (Gen. 1 : 27), and there is no changing what God has established.

Please sign our petition to USD and LMU, demanding that they follow Church teaching and end all activities which affirm individuals in sinful and confusing lifestyles.

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Dr. Timothy Law Snyder, President of Loyola Marymount University
Dr. James T. Harris III, President of University of San Diego

I demand that you immediately end all school resources meant to affirm individuals in their sinful and confused lifestyles, in references to clinics meant to change gender-confused students' identification.

These contradict basic Church and Biblical teaching by going against the fundamental nature of man and woman as God created them. These actions are a scandal, as they promote ideas contrary to Catholic doctrine in an institution with a Catholic identity. All of this is a serious offense against God.

I respectfully demand that you cancel these anti-Catholic clinics at once.

Sincerely and urgently,
