Tell Macy’s: Stop Promoting Homosexual Sin


Macy’s is set to broadcast its annual Thanksgiving Day Parade on November 23 on live TV, an event watched by millions of families every Thanksgiving. But this year, the gargantuan department store has scheduled cross-dressing singers to perform during part of its parade. This would expose millions to gender confusion and homosexual sin.

Macy’s usually features oversized floats, cartoon balloon characters, and live performances. This year, Macy’s will include Justin David Sullivan and Alex Newell. According to reports:

“[The performers] are Justin David Sullivan, a trans [i.e. cross-dressing] non-binary singer who uses ‘he/she/they’ pronouns, and Alex Newell, a biological male who presents as female and uses ‘all pronouns.’…

“Sullivan is set to appear in the November 23 parade among the cast members from the Broadway show & Juliet. In the musical, Sullivan plays the role of May, a non-binary friend of Juliet.

“On his website, Sullivan says he’s ‘passionate about diversity and representation’ and he in February said he wouldn’t take part in the Tony awards because they have male and female categories.”
(Source: DailyMail

The decision to allow such an offensive performance is not about “entertainment.” It threatens innocence within families by exposing them to immoral and unnatural performance. It is another step in a process that started with the “Drag Queen Story Hours” in libraries and schools.

We cannot be silent or allow children to be exposed to perversion! This is an attack against decency, under the guise of an innocent Thanksgiving tradition. Please sign our petition demanding Macy’s remove all immoral performers from its Thanksgiving Day Parade.

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To: Macy's, Inc.,

I am appalled that you have scheduled immoral, cross-dressing performers for your annual Thanksgiving Day Parade scheduled for November, 23 2023. Justin David Sullivan and Alex Newell both openly practice unnatural vice, and are proud representatives of homosexual sin.

This is a serious moral threat to the millions watching the Parade.

This threat to public morality will expose families to unnatural sin. This is part of the process to normalize "transgenderism" in society.

Most importantly, it is a serious offense against God, Who despises impurity and Who warned against the scandalizing of innocent children.

I demand that you immediately remove all homosexual and cross-dressing performers from your Thanksgiving Day Parade and issue an apology.
