Thank you for signing this important petition!

Babies are in danger of abortion.

Think about it: all it takes for a mother to kill her child is a casual drive to the local drugstore. How many millions of children will die because of the availability of abortion drugs?

Do you want to help keep more babies from being aborted?

I need help now to spread this petition to as many people as possible.

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Send your friends and family this link to our petition so that we can get as many signers as possible

  2. Donate today so that we can bring our pro-life petition to thousands more, and fund other pro-life activity beyond this petition.

I don’t think I need to tell you that the pro-life battle isn’t just in Walgreens and CVS. In recent news we see:

  • Many states are passing pro-abortion amendments, enshrining the “right” to kill pre-born children in many states’ constitutions.

  • The Biden Administration is promoting the idea of mailing abortion pills…even in states where it is illegal!

  • The U.S. Navy is granting travel costs and paid leave for women to have abortions.

  • Illinois declared March 10 “Abortion Provider Appreciation Day” to celebrate the culture of death.

  • To say nothing of the vandalizing and burning of pregnancy resource centers and churches across the U.S. in retaliation for the overturn of Roe V. Wade, which is scaring many pro-lifers across the nation.

But, these issues must not discourage us.

Instead, it means that we need to up the ante on the pro-life battle. And we can do that by training the next generation of braver, more active pro-lifers, and sending them to the front lines.

CLICK HERE to help us keep up the fight against the moral corruptions of today

When you donate, you will help Return to Order in fighting the culture of death, and promoting moral values. Here’s how:

  • We funded summer youth programs around the country to prepare young men to be the leaders of the culture wars

  • In February last year, we protested a public Satanic Convention [sic] at Scottsdale, Arizona, who are opening Satanic Abortion Clinics and have a Satanic Abortion Ritual (you read that correctly; we will protest this year’s Satanic Convention in Boston)

  • We host yearly student conferences to train college students in overcoming the culture of death on campuses, and fearlessly stand for God’s moral Law

  • We sponsored 10 traveling “Fatima Custodians” who visited over 23,000 in recent months with the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima to teach the need for prayer and penance, and the holy rosary.

On a very basic level, every $10 you donate will allow us to reach 500 more souls — for you and God — through our online platforms. And we will use what we get to reach tens of thousands more people by other important, pro-life activity.

CLICK HERE to help us keep up the fight against the moral corruptions of today

And if you aren’t able to donate now, fine. Just share our petition with everyone you can. That way, you can still support the unborn with your help.

So far, we can thank God for some of the following victories:

  • Walgreens has declared that it will not sell abortion pills in states that have outlawed abortion (this is a minor victory, but it made California Gov. Newsom so mad that he wants to ban Walgreens from his state)

  • A prominent abortion clinic in Dallas, which has been killing children for 50 years, is finally closed after continued prayer and protest

  • And many states are declaring themselves sanctuaries for the unborn, thanks to keeping pro-lifers strong and active in those states

Every little bit helps. And, you already know, every bit is noted in heaven, where God sees your good deed. Thank you for your consideration.

CLICK HERE to help us keep up the fight against the moral corruptions of today