The Miraculous Conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne

The Miraculous Conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne

Published here on the anniversary of his baptism, January 31, 1842 Everyone knows about the Marian shrines of Loreto and Pompeii, and, in Rome, the great basilicas, but not everyone knows that, in the heart of the eternal city, there is a little parochial basilica, Saint Andrea delle Fratte, also known as the Shrine of … Read more

For American Youth: “Virginity is Awesome”

For American Youth: “Virginity Is Awesome”

The issue of married priests recently came up in a conversation with a friend. He is a retired Marine Corps Colonel and a Catholic. He was surprised to hear that priestly celibacy is not, as is often stated, a medieval invention. I took advantage to point out to him that remaining chaste, as priest are … Read more