How Science Gets God Wrong

To the scientific community, religion is a mystery that should not exist. The greatest mystery is the God problem. There must be some kind of scientific explanation to account for why people believe in God. Since the Enlightenment, secular scientists have held that God is an imaginary being, created by weak people who need psychological … Read more

The Impact That Religion Has on Education That Teachers Are Ignoring

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Education and religion are often seen to be incompatible. There is an underlying notion inside the liberal education establishment that religious belief is backwards and contrary to enlightenment. Schools have long been viewed as gateways to a glorious secular and technological future, free of religious superstition. After all, the purpose of education is to make … Read more

Unenlightened Enlightenment Thought

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David Hume (1711-1776) exercised a great influence on the formation of the modern mind. However, his “enlightened” views that were part of the Enlightenment had dark consequences. He paved the way for the present moral relativism with his idea that man is more a creature of sensitive and practical sentiment than of reason. Read the … Read more