Why Do We Blame Society for Bad Personal Choices?

Why Do We Blame Society for Bad Personal Choices?

In a Christian civilization, people are responsible for their acts before God and man. There may be attenuating circumstances that diminish a person’s guilt for crimes or destructive actions. However, the final responsibility always lies with the individual. For this reason, life is full of trials and difficulties. Acts have consequences that people of character … Read more

Truth and Art Defeated by Multiculturalism at Yale

Yale University has announced that it will discontinue a popular art course. It is one more nail in the coffin of a classical education that once dominated academia. The course in question is called “Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to the Present.” It consists of a review of art starting at 1300 down to the … Read more

Perpetual Adolescence: When Coming of Age Doesn’t Come

Return to Order Perpetual Adolescence: When Coming of Age Doesn’t Come

Parents have always complained about the children. These complaints usually stop when their children grow up and assume responsibilities. Something has changed with this generation. Many youth are neither growing up nor assuming responsibility. America is facing a coming-of-age crisis that leaves young people ill-equipped to survive in a highly unstable world. Free Book: Return to … Read more