A Thank You Message From a Direct Descendant of Saint Louis


Dear Friend,

Thanks for signing. Now for a very special surprise!

Prince Don Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza of Brazil, a royal descendant of King Saint Louis, was very touched for the support Americans gave to his ancestor, and has gives the following message of thanks to the United States:

If you could please take the time now to spread the word to your family and friends, we can ensure that our voice is heard.

You can simply copy and paste the message below, or send THIS LINK.

Thank you again for signing our petition. I know our voice will make a difference.

***Copy and Paste Message Below***

Hi! I just signed a petition urging the Mayor Krewson of St. Louis Missouri to defend a statue of King Saint Louis which radicals want to tear down. Please sign the petition by CLICKING HERE. Thank you.

I remain,

John Horvat II,
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