It’s Time to Abandon the Populists’ Godless Crusades

It’s Time to Abandon the Populists’ Godless Crusades

As the liberal world crumbles, alternatives are appearing on the horizon. People are considering populist or nationalist models that will restore America’s sense of community, family and faith. These illiberal options are enjoying some success all over the world, as evidenced by the recent European elections. What alarms the liberals is that this drift toward … Read more

Why Electric Vehicles Are Losing Their Spark with Millennials

Why Electric Vehicles Are Losing Their Spark with Millennials

Consulting firm McKinsey & Co. conducted a poll that revealed a surprising trend among American millennial electric vehicle (EV) owners. It found that a significant 57 percent are considering reverting to gasoline-powered cars. The primary reasons cited for the change include range anxiety, home charging challenges, difficulties while on the road and the overall high … Read more

Why Everyone, Even Atheists, Needs the First Commandment

Why Everyone, Even Atheists, Needs the First Commandment

Most people don’t have a problem with some of the Ten Commandments. There are atheists, for example, who will admit that one should not kill, steal or lie. Thus, posting those specific Commandments in public classrooms or buildings would pose no problem. The problems begin with the First and most important Commandment, which deals with … Read more

America’s New Catholic Priests Turn Right

America’s New Catholic Priests Turn Right

Dioceses across the country have long suffered from a vocation crisis. The number of new priests has failed to keep up as older priests retire and die. Many bishops have had to resort to foreign priests to fill the gap. The crisis is far from over. However, something new is happening in the field. Some … Read more

Tractor Supply Company Joins Bud Light and Target on the List of Corporations Learning that Americans Reject Left-Wing Agendas

Tractor Supply Company Joins Bud Light and Target on the List of Corporations Learning that Americans Reject Left-Wing Agendas

If you ask a cross-section of Americans to list their favorite retail chain, Tractor Supply Company (TSC) would be on few lips. Its stores possess nothing of glamor or marketing flair. A store’s atmosphere is deliberate, reflecting a no-nonsense, get-the-job-done-and-get-out crowd. Despite its “under the radar” image, the company has come under fire for adopting … Read more

Is Cancel Culture Being Canceled?

Is Cancel Culture Being Canceled?

Once a dominant force on social media and public discourse, Cancel culture is now showing severe signs of wear. This trend involves calling out and boycotting individuals or organizations for perceived wrongdoings. It is losing its grip on the collective consciousness. Order Today: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where … Read more

From Diversity to Discontent, Why Businesses Are Fleeing DEI

From Diversity to Discontent, Why Businesses Are Fleeing DEI

For years, the woke establishment has championed diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives as essential frameworks for workplaces. Thus, the avant-garde corporate world has invested heavily in these programs, creating departments and setting goals. However, a rising tide of reaction is forcing some businesses to restructure or abandon their DEI programs. The shift is changing … Read more

The Recent French Elections Are a Sign of Deep Trouble for the Left

The Recent French Elections Are a Sign of Deep Trouble for the Left

What happens in France tends to influence the rest of the world. For better or for worse, it remains a bellwether country and an incubator of political ideas and trends. For that reason, the Western media closely followed the recent elections for the French National Assembly. The results left the French right bitterly disappointed, and … Read more