Our Lady of the Militia: How Sicily was Saved From Invasion

Our Lady of the Militia: How Sicily was Saved From Invasion

Most Catholics are not aware of the story of how Our Lady repelled a Muslim invasion of Sicily on horseback and in armor. Perhaps this miraculous deliverance from ruin is unknown because it is so contrary to today’s spirit of rampant ecumenism. Back in 1091, Sicily was under the sway of the Normans, a warlike … Read more

How Our Lady Granted Victory at Lepanto

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In times of acute danger and hardship, we must always fly into the arms of the most powerful Mother of God and turn to the recitation of the Rosary. The Battle of Lepanto is a great lesson of confidence for us today. When Saint Pius V ascended to Saint Peter’s throne, Christendom faced perils perhaps … Read more

The First Apparitions of Our Lady

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Recently, several books enumerating the apparitions of Our Lady were published in Italy. When I had the opportunity to take a look at them on a recent trip to Rome, I was surprised. While in one epoch, there were numerous apparitions, in another they were very rare; in one epoch the Holy Virgin appeared to … Read more

The Story of Our Lady of Genazzano

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A few miles from the city of Rome, lies Genazzano — a city rich in history and blessed with the presence of a miraculous painting of the Blessed Virgin that has an amazing story. The origins of Genazzano date back to the times of the Roman emperors. Because of its proximity to Rome, the city … Read more

Our Lady of Joy

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Our Lady of Joy is also know as, Notre Dame de Liesse, or Causa Nostrae Laetitiae In 1134 three Knights of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem who were prisoners of the Muslims in Egypt, miraculously found or received in their prison, a statue of Our Lady, which they named Our Lady of Joy, … Read more