The Life of Baldwin the Leper King


Modern society obsessively avoids suffering, risk and danger. It secures everything with seatbelts and safety rails, air conditions the summer heat, prints warnings on coffee cups and advises that that safety glasses should be used while working with hammers. Certainly such precautions have prevented misfortune. However, since heroism and excellence are born from confronting rather … Read more

A Monument Raised From a Ruin, an Institution From a Custom

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“Consider the diversity of the Middle Ages: on the one hand, there is the razing of cities, the fall of empires, the struggle between races, the confusion of peoples, violence and lamentations; there is corruption, barbarianism; institutions fall and institutions rise, Men disperse and make nations, whole peoples are led to unknown destinations, and yet … Read more

How Our Lady Granted Victory at Lepanto

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In times of acute danger and hardship, we must always fly into the arms of the most powerful Mother of God and turn to the recitation of the Rosary. The Battle of Lepanto is a great lesson of confidence for us today. When Saint Pius V ascended to Saint Peter’s throne, Christendom faced perils perhaps … Read more

A Look at Simple Medieval Solutions to Complicated Problems

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There was a time when the role of Congresses and Parliaments was not to come up with massive programs or interfere in the lives of the people. Rather their function was to judge the merit of cases and provide simple solutions to the problems of daily life. Those were simpler times but they reflected a … Read more

A Brilliant Defense of Christendom

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Many believe that Christendom was a rigid and brutal order. In medieval times, we are told that tyranny ruled, and the Church and the nascent State were constant rivals in the pursuit of dominance. So many modern historians have cynically reduced this period when Christianity prevailed to a time of cultural darkness and violent power … Read more

Medieval Paternalism and Progressivist Neo-Slavery

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What should be thought of the quotes below? “Whereas the interest in and tendency toward maximum productivity continue to be dominant and absolute, private property has ceased to be a projection of the individual, a kind of necessary support of his individuality in the world of things, to become – this is something Christians especially … Read more

Sainte Chapelle: Faith Carved in Stone (VIDEO)

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Sainte Chapelle: Masterpiece of Temperance Built by Saint Louis IX of France, this chapel reflects an extraordinary innocence of soul. We could call this chapel the Chapel of Innocence.  Because a soul must be profoundly innocent to conceive this. Free Book: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, … Read more

Medieval Catholic Architecture Converts Protestant (Part 2)

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Architecture leads to heaven or hell In our most recent article about Augustus Pugin, we saw how the famous architect converted from a strict brand of Calvinism to Roman Catholicism, due to his studies of medieval Catholic architecture when he was 19 years old. Free Book: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an … Read more

Notre Dame Cathedral: A Jewel Box of Beauty

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Compared to other cathedrals, Notre Dame stands out.   The three doorways have beautiful deep ogives, which show how thick the walls are. On the facade and sides of the cathedral, episodes of Sacred Scripture are illustrated in stone. Free Book: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, … Read more