The Rise of the Anti-Woke Shareholder Is Rattling Corporate Boards

The Rise of the Anti-Woke Shareholder Is Rattling Corporate Boards

The liberal business establishment has long supported progressive causes, even to the detriment of their bottom lines. Conservative consumers and investors often feel helpless to stop such support in the face of the massive financial power of these firms to resist pressure from protests or boycotts. However, a new activist has appeared on the scene, … Read more

Fantasy Rules in Tribal Land Disputes

Fantasy Rules in Tribal Land Disputes

The news story reads like a classic land dispute between government and business interests against the claims of Indian tribes. Two massive projects are about to be started near a vast reservation in Arizona. The first is a power line that runs through an ancestral valley, and the second is a copper mine that sits … Read more

Animal Rebellion’s Eco-Warriors Want Everyone to Cry Over Spilled Milk

Animal Rebellion’s Eco-Warriors Want Everyone to Cry Over Spilled Milk

“Don’t cry over spilled milk.” Mothers worldwide have long given this advice to their children. The lesson is simple. When people make mistakes, the most desirable course is to clean up as best they can and then move on with their lives. Excessive sorrow, endless contemplation and overly-profuse apologies solve nothing. Rebellion on Aisle Three! … Read more