Crossing an Ocean to Become a Priest: Saint John Neumann’s Transatlantic Quest for Holiness

Crossing an Ocean to Become a Priest: Saint John Neumann’s Transatlantic Quest for Holiness

In Question 137 of his Summa Theologiae, Saint Thomas Aquinas discusses perseverance. There, the Angelic Doctor quotes Saint Augustine, “We hold that perseverance is a gift of God, whereby we persevere unto the end, in Christ.” A Paragon of Perseverance Perseverance is difficult. No matter how eagerly sought at its inception, any noble goal eventually involves sacrifice. Yet, fallen … Read more

Deliver Us from the Scourge of Cafeteria Cardinals and Bishops

Deliver Us from the Scourge of Cafeteria Cardinals and Bishops

Tragically, Catholics are used to Catholic politicians who pick and choose the issues they adhere to in Church teaching. The most notorious case is that of America’s current president, who uses all the powers of government to promote the LGBTQ agenda and a North Korean-style abortion policy until birth, all the while claiming to be … Read more

Berlin’s Archbishop Cites Amoris Laetitia in Possible Preview of Post-Synodal Outcomes

Berlin’s Archbishop Cites Amoris Laetitia in Possible Preview of Post-Synodal Outcomes

Concerns over preserving the integrity of the Catholic faith in light of the Synod on Synodality are being highlighted, with prelates already beginning to practically reject doctrine while facing no censure from the Vatican. In recent weeks, a German prelate made a lengthy announcement that had moderately little impact in the English-speaking Catholic news circles. … Read more

Pope Francis’s Tacit Approval for Belgian Bishops’ Homo-Heresy

On September 20, 2022, the Belgian-Flemish bishops’ released their “liturgy” for celebrating homosexual union ceremonies—a parody of real marriage. In a previous article,1 we wondered rhetorically whether Pope Francis would condemn the bishops’ homo-heresy. Order Today: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and … Read more