Will American Motorists Spend Their Hard-Earned Money on Electric Vehicles Without Government Coercion?

Will American Motorists Spend Their Hard-Earned Money on Electric Vehicles Without Government Coercion?

Dan Becker is the director of the Safe Climate Transport Campaign. He hates gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles. In February 2024, he spoke to the Washington Post about a proposal to slow the phase-in of federal regulations requiring manufacturers to produce electric vehicles (EVs). “It will mean more pollution, more sick kids, more global warming, more … Read more

Blasphemous “Drag Nuns” Will Read to Children of “All Ages”

Blasphemous “Drag Nuns” Will Read to Children of “All Ages”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE GUERNEVILLE, Calif.—On June 22, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will be reading to young children at the Guerneville Regional Library. The “sisters” are a group of men who lewdly dress as “nuns” and perform vulgar shows that blasphemously mock Catholics. Some of their activities include portraying homosexual men pole dancing on a … Read more

Property Owners and Consumers Pay the Tab for Climate Alarmism

Property Owners and Consumers Pay the Tab for Climate Alarmism

Middle-class households feel the pinch of rising costs associated with environmental regulations that impose additional taxes and stringent penalties for not towing the “green line.” In Paris, for instance, if a building is old and fails an energy efficiency assessment, it can result in substantial financial burdens. Owners of thermally inefficient homes must conduct an … Read more

When “Social Justice” Becomes the Enemy of Actual Justice—California’s Destructive “Racial Justice Act”

When “Social Justice” Becomes the Enemy of Actual Justice—California’s Destructive “Racial Justice Act”

California’s “Racial Justice Act” threatens to turn the very idea of justice on its head. The Act is a product of the overheated summer of 2020, an indirect result of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis the previous May. Self-Congratulation When he signed the Act, Governor Gavin Newsome’s celebratory press release contained a quotation from the … Read more

In California, Your Income Could Determine Your Electricity Rates

In California, Your Income Could Determine Your Electricity Rates

Injustice is becoming a way of life in California. The increasingly erratic state tax structure is one reason the long-heralded “Golden State’s” population is shrinking. In 2021, the decrease was over 117,000, on top of a 182,000 loss in 2020. Mandating Unfairness Now, the state is piling another injustice upon its taxpayers—in the form of … Read more

The Man-Made Water Crisis in California That No One Wants to Fix

The Man-Made Water Crisis in California That No One Wants to Fix

This year, California was hit by not one but nine “atmospheric rivers” that drenched the state, flooded communities and filled reservoirs. The storm fronts are called rivers because they concentrate their punch over long narrow areas. Despite the property damage, the parade of storms was a welcome respite after years of drought. However, California officials … Read more

Why Public School Students Sing Religious Chants to Aztec gods

For five years, California has been constructing a new “Ethnic Studies” curriculum. Leftists in the schools have long used such programs for training young “social justice warriors.” For generations, they cloaked these efforts behind catchphrases like “fightingcensorship,” “academic freedom,” and the grandfather of them all, “separation of Church and State.” This new curriculum hides less … Read more

Refuting Leftist Myths About Saint Junipero Serra

Elizabeth Bruenig’s  New York Times op-ed “A Saint’s Sins” was a lengthy indictment of the character and actions of Saint Junipero Serra. It is tempting to refer to it as a masterpiece of character assassination, except that it is not masterful.  It recycles modernist and old anti-Catholic attacks that ignore the historical record and promote … Read more

Why California Can’t Be a Sanctuary State

Return to Order Why California Can’t Be a Sanctuary State 2

It is paradoxical that super-progressive California would have recourse to a concept of medieval law to support its revolt against federal immigration law enforcement. It is even more bizarre that the super-secular Golden State would consider itself a kind of Church with authority higher than that of the government and declare itself a holy and … Read more