Treating Chronic Absenteeism Like a Psychological Disorder Cripples America’s Children

Treating Chronic Absenteeism Like a Psychological Disorder Cripples America’s Children

The education press is all abuzz about “chronic absenteeism.” As is usual with conversations among the educationists and educrats, they miss the point entirely. Occasionally, they ask the right questions, but their philosophies don’t provide answers, just new psychological dilemmas. “Skipping school” is nothing new. I vividly remember high school freshman orientation in the early … Read more

Recruiting for Hamas: How Portland’s Schools Work to Transform America’s Children Into Radical Palestinian Revolutionaries

Recruiting for Hamas: How Portland’s Schools Work to Transform America’s Children Into Radical Palestinian Revolutionaries

“The Palestinian Flag has one red triangle, one white stripe, one green stripe, and one black stripe. How many colors does the Palestinian flag have in all?” This is the first of ten “Palestine Word Problems” in a worksheet produced for kindergarteners by an organization called “Teaching While Muslim” (TWM). Fruit of a Poisoned Tree … Read more

Britain’s National Health Service Restricts Gender Blocking Hormones—Will the United States Follow Its Example?

Britain’s National Health Service Restricts Gender Blocking Hormones—Will the United States Follow Its Example?

Transgender activists and advocates are dashing around in confusion. Their dismay springs from a recent report that changed Great Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) policies on puberty-blocking drugs. Often, pro-transsexual “doctors” use such concoctions as a first step in attempts to “help” young people “transition” from being male to female or vice versa. Socialized Medicine … Read more

Generation Zero: Why the World Is Running Out of Babies

Generation Zero: Why the World Is Running Out of Babies

Past generations have been named with letters such as X-Generation and Gen-Z. The latest generation has already been labeled Alpha. Perhaps the one after that should take the name Generation Zero. The reason will be the lack of babies to make a generation. A demographic winter approaches. Birth control and abortion have achieved the goal … Read more

China’s Baby Bust: A Result of Decades-Old Miscalculations and Bad Rocket Science

China’s Baby Bust: A Result of Decades-Old Miscalculations and Bad Rocket Science

China’s rapid demographic decline is fast becoming a severe population crisis. This unexpected shift can be traced back to misjudgments made over 40 years ago. Deng Xiaoping’s implementation of a controversial population control policy in 1979 was considered one of history’s most significant and disastrous social experiments. In response to China’s growing population, Deng Xiaoping … Read more

Even if Schools Deny It, Children (and Adults) Need to Learn to Write in Cursive

Even if Schools Deny It, Children (and Adults) Need to Learn to Write in Cursive

In too many schools, teaching handwriting—especially cursive—is extinct. Over the last half-century, America’s public, private, religious and charter schools became obsessed with “critical thinking.” As that obsession grew, mechanical processes were discarded. Emphasizing grammar, the doctrine taught, inhibited children from expressing their thoughts. Teaching historical facts repressed students’ creative opinions about past events. Memorizing mathematical … Read more

Why Johnny Can’t Play Tag

Why Johnny Can’t Play Tag

When little Johnny goes to school this fall, he may face another danger. The poor boy already has trouble reading and writing. He suffers from losing social skills and faces an assault upon his innocence through the destructive influence of horrible books and drag queens. It is increasingly common that the boy will no longer … Read more