China’s Baby Bust: A Result of Decades-Old Miscalculations and Bad Rocket Science

China’s Baby Bust: A Result of Decades-Old Miscalculations and Bad Rocket Science

China’s rapid demographic decline is fast becoming a severe population crisis. This unexpected shift can be traced back to misjudgments made over 40 years ago. Deng Xiaoping’s implementation of a controversial population control policy in 1979 was considered one of history’s most significant and disastrous social experiments. In response to China’s growing population, Deng Xiaoping … Read more

Even if Schools Deny It, Children (and Adults) Need to Learn to Write in Cursive

Even if Schools Deny It, Children (and Adults) Need to Learn to Write in Cursive

In too many schools, teaching handwriting—especially cursive—is extinct. Over the last half-century, America’s public, private, religious and charter schools became obsessed with “critical thinking.” As that obsession grew, mechanical processes were discarded. Emphasizing grammar, the doctrine taught, inhibited children from expressing their thoughts. Teaching historical facts repressed students’ creative opinions about past events. Memorizing mathematical … Read more

Why Johnny Can’t Play Tag

Why Johnny Can’t Play Tag

When little Johnny goes to school this fall, he may face another danger. The poor boy already has trouble reading and writing. He suffers from losing social skills and faces an assault upon his innocence through the destructive influence of horrible books and drag queens. It is increasingly common that the boy will no longer … Read more

Immorality Harms Everyone, Not Just Children

Immorality Harms Everyone, Not Just Children

One of the most powerful arguments against the LGBTQ+ agenda is its corruption of young children. People, especially parents, rightly object to their young children being exposed to highly sexualized Drag Queen Story Hours. Others call out city and school governing bodies for the pornographic library books polluting the innocent minds of scandalized children. Pride … Read more

Dutch Euthanasia Laws Now Extend to Children Under 12

The Netherlands is leading the way in a program of cultural suicide, with legislators approving euthanasia for children under 12. In an announcement made on April 14, Dutch Health Minister Ernst Kuipers wrote that the measures would be aimed at “incurably ill children who are suffering hopelessly and unbearably, in whom palliative care options are … Read more

Why Leftists Promote Porn to Children in America’s Woke Libraries

Why Leftists Promote Porn to Children in America’s Woke Libraries

That long-time leftist journal, The New Republic, published an article on the current controversy over pornography in children’s books. It is a masterpiece of confusion. Its author, Melissa Gira Grant, must have little grasp of how the debate developed, or she is deliberately trying to sow irrational chaos in her wake. Flawed Arguments Lead to … Read more