The Red Chinese Are Turning America’s Best Schools Into Little Red Classrooms

The Red Chinese Are Turning America’s Best Schools Into Little Red Classrooms

Most educated Americans would be happy to hear that their local schools offer students a chance to learn Mandarin Chinese. Given China’s growing importance, many opportunities in business, academia and diplomacy are open to those with such skills. Expensive Classes However, offering foreign languages (or “world languages,” to use the preferred academic term) is difficult … Read more

Why China’s Pursuit of World Leadership Will be a Disaster if it Succeeds

Why China’s Pursuit of World Leadership Will be a Disaster if it Succeeds

China’s rapid rise to global prominence, both economically and politically, has rightly raised concerns in the international community. President Xi Jinping’s desire for greater influence and world leadership is manifested through aggressive expansion of its military power, increasing economic ties and loan packages and an assertive diplomatic offensive meant to overshadow America and the West. … Read more

How China After Mao Consistently Moved to More Socialism, Not Less

How China After Mao Consistently Moved to More Socialism, Not Less

The book China After Mao: The Rise of a Superpower is a behind-the-scenes chronicle of China’s rise to world power. Award-winning Dutch author Frank Dikötter is a China expert who bases his research on access to government documents and what he witnessed. His story is compelling because he has no agenda beyond trying to explain … Read more

As China’s Job Market Crashes, Gen Z Says, “Let It Rot”

As China’s Job Market Crashes, Gen Z Says, “Let It Rot”

Everyone knows that today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders. Even China’s president Xi Jinping recognizes that the dismal future of his communist regime must rely upon new blood. In a speech in 2019, he affirmed that “China’s hope lies in youth.” He flattered them by calling young people the most energetic force in society and encouraged … Read more

In China, COVID Kills No One

In China, COVID Kills No One

In dealing with the public, health officials handling the COVID crisis should present the facts without political agendas. If they want people to take them seriously, they need to be consistent and logical in their policies to contain the virus. They cannot present one scenario for one place and another somewhere else. Officials must denounce … Read more