Easy Chinese Money Acquires Sensitive Technology Under the Guise of Research

Easy Chinese Money Acquires Sensitive Technology Under the Guise of Research

Since China has problems producing cutting-edge technology, it must find other means. One resource is contracting American universities to do research and development, which then allows it to compete with the U.S. in the marketplace. This aggressive tactic has not endeared the Chinese to American politicians or businessmen. Such work with universities facilitates unfair trade … Read more

China’s Baby Bust: A Result of Decades-Old Miscalculations and Bad Rocket Science

China’s Baby Bust: A Result of Decades-Old Miscalculations and Bad Rocket Science

China’s rapid demographic decline is fast becoming a severe population crisis. This unexpected shift can be traced back to misjudgments made over 40 years ago. Deng Xiaoping’s implementation of a controversial population control policy in 1979 was considered one of history’s most significant and disastrous social experiments. In response to China’s growing population, Deng Xiaoping … Read more

China’s Military Shakeup Reveals Weakness in Combat Readiness

China’s Military Shakeup Reveals Weakness in Combat Readiness

Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s purge of those not fully aligned with his ever-evolving party line has led to unexplained and sudden changes in senior military personnel, including the removal of the Defense Minister and the expulsion of nine high-ranking People’s Liberation Army officers (PLA) from the national legislature, as well as dropping three top defense-industry … Read more

How Wall Street Betrays Itself and America in China

How Wall Street Betrays Itself and America in China

Wall Street runs its financial operations using time-honored processes based on data and statistics. Such data is needed to ensure investor interests are not jeopardized. The standards are rigid and necessary in a dog-eat-dog world where people take advantage of others. Generally, there are no exceptions to such procedures. The government and Wall Street insist … Read more

The Red Chinese Are Turning America’s Best Schools Into Little Red Classrooms

The Red Chinese Are Turning America’s Best Schools Into Little Red Classrooms

Most educated Americans would be happy to hear that their local schools offer students a chance to learn Mandarin Chinese. Given China’s growing importance, many opportunities in business, academia and diplomacy are open to those with such skills. Expensive Classes However, offering foreign languages (or “world languages,” to use the preferred academic term) is difficult … Read more