Why the West is in Crisis and What Can Be Done

“Modern history,” Lord Acton once said, “tells how the last four hundred years have modified the medieval conditions of life and thought.” His sweeping generalization describes the modern-day plight of making sense out of the mess that separates us from Christendom. I can think of no better way out of this mess than to have … Read more

Christians Fight Fiercest Ever Attacks on Christmas

The War on Christmas is very real. Everyone has seen the massive attempt to take Christ out of Christmas. There are sparkle trees, X-mas cards and Happy Holidays. Major retailers jumped on the bandwagon and filled their advertising with joyless celebrations of an unnamed winter solstice holiday. Merry Christmas has become the war cry for … Read more

Can Halloween be Christianized Again?

As Halloween approaches, the debate over whether Catholics should join in the celebrations has reignited. Many claim it is a harmless holiday for children that Catholics may freely participate in. Others affirm that it has now descended into dark regions with the return of pagan and Satanic imagery. It should thus be off limits. And … Read more

Lighting the Way to a Life That Makes Sense

Lighting the Way to a Life That Makes Sense

The new book Lighting the Way: Stories that Show How Our Culture Went Wrong and How We Can Restore Order is a collection of stories arranged to illustrate an idea. The idea is that of the organic Christian society. That is an unfamiliar idea to many, although we live in and around many such organic … Read more

Why California Can’t Be a Sanctuary State

Return to Order Why California Can’t Be a Sanctuary State 2

It is paradoxical that super-progressive California would have recourse to a concept of medieval law to support its revolt against federal immigration law enforcement. It is even more bizarre that the super-secular Golden State would consider itself a kind of Church with authority higher than that of the government and declare itself a holy and … Read more

Suffering: The Appalling Benefactress, Part II

Return to Order Reflections on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Part 3 4

Only on the God-Man did she lavish all that was most exquisite in her armory. His capacity for suffering exceeded all that she had known. She crept towards Him on that awful night, when, alone, forsaken in a garden, He took upon Himself the sins of the world, and, having embraced Him, she gained a … Read more

Jerusalem is conquered in the First Crusade

Return to Order Jerusalem is conquered in the First Crusade

It was decided that the assault should begin during the night of 13-14 July…The first task of the assailants was to bring their wooden castles right up to the walls…All night long and during the day of the 14th the Crusaders concentrated on their task, suffering heavily from the stones and the liquid fire of … Read more