Property Owners and Consumers Pay the Tab for Climate Alarmism

Property Owners and Consumers Pay the Tab for Climate Alarmism

Middle-class households feel the pinch of rising costs associated with environmental regulations that impose additional taxes and stringent penalties for not towing the “green line.” In Paris, for instance, if a building is old and fails an energy efficiency assessment, it can result in substantial financial burdens. Owners of thermally inefficient homes must conduct an … Read more

It’s Time To Stop Listening to the Boy Who Cried “Climate Change”

It’s Time To Stop Listening to the Boy Who Cried “Climate Change”

A recent article from the Associated Press quotes United Nations climate chief Simon Stiell, declaring that humans have just two years left to “save the world.” In his speech, he called for cutting fossil fuels and a “quantum leap” in climate funding. The article highlights the scaremongering of ecological extremism that makes climate activists look … Read more

Why Pope Francis’s Eco-Friendly Apostolic Exhortation Rings Unconvincingly for the Faithful

Why Pope Francis’s Eco-Friendly Apostolic Exhortation Rings Unconvincingly for the Faithful

Pope Francis’s apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, is a hard document to characterize. Exhortations are supposed to encourage Catholics in their Faith. However, this document deals with ecological issues and is addressed to “all people of goodwill on the climate crisis.” Thus, the work reads more like an eco-lamentation, a written debate, a United Nations report, … Read more

Bush, Macron and the Monumental Failure of Climate Politics

Looking back over 2018, three recent events in three different countries illustrate just how far the fortunes of climate change politics have fallen. The first event was the death of George H. W. Bush, forty-first president of the United States. His passing on November 30 at the age of 94 occasioned an outpouring of sympathy … Read more