America’s New Catholic Priests Turn Right

America’s New Catholic Priests Turn Right

Dioceses across the country have long suffered from a vocation crisis. The number of new priests has failed to keep up as older priests retire and die. Many bishops have had to resort to foreign priests to fill the gap. The crisis is far from over. However, something new is happening in the field. Some … Read more

Why Are All the Wrong People Supporting Ukraine?

Why Are All the Wrong People Supporting Ukraine?

In a polarized country, when one side enthusiastically supports an issue, the rule of thumb for the other side is to take the opposite position. However, when two enemies suddenly find themselves in the same foxhole, it naturally raises the question: Is something wrong? This is the case regarding Ukraine. Conservatives who wholeheartedly support the … Read more

Why Are All the Wrong People Supporting Ukraine?

Why Are All the Wrong People Supporting Ukraine?

In a polarized country, when one side enthusiastically supports an issue, the rule of thumb for the other side is to take the opposite position. However, when two enemies suddenly find themselves in the same foxhole, it naturally raises the question: Is something wrong? This is the case regarding Ukraine. Conservatives who wholeheartedly support the … Read more