Generation Zero: Why the World Is Running Out of Babies

Generation Zero: Why the World Is Running Out of Babies

Past generations have been named with letters such as X-Generation and Gen-Z. The latest generation has already been labeled Alpha. Perhaps the one after that should take the name Generation Zero. The reason will be the lack of babies to make a generation. A demographic winter approaches. Birth control and abortion have achieved the goal … Read more

Little Sisters of the Poor Deserve Mercy!

One of the most shocking executions during the French Revolution was that of four sisters, Gabrielle, Marguerite, Claire and Olympe Vaz de Mello. After the death of their parents, these pious ladies devoted their lives to caring for the sick and downtrodden. In spite of their goodness, or rather because of it, they were dragged … Read more

The Sexual State: A Report from the Battlefield

The Sexual Revolution of the sixties is portrayed as a rebellion against the Establishment. It was a spontaneous love fest that allowed youth to do their own thing in an atmosphere of serendipitous freedom. Women were liberated from past oppression. It set in motion other movements that advanced ever greater sexual freedom. At least, that’s … Read more

Good Times Return, but Not Babies

Return to Order Good Times Return, but Not Babies

There is an unwritten rule among those who watch the economy. When times are good, families have more babies. Across the board, the fertility rate of women of all ages goes up and the population is replenished. Young populations and prosperity are co-related and desired in healthy economies. However, that is not happening today. The … Read more