How the Transgender Revolution is Destroying Schools

The “sexual revolutionaries” of the sixties and their ideological descendants are all atwitter. On August 7, 2020, in official disregard of the Sixth and Ninth Commandments, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision guaranteed “transgender” students can use the restrooms and locker rooms for the sex of their choice. This is happening despite the rapidly … Read more

Can Government Money Save Private Education?

A current controversy in the State of Florida calls into question some basic premises of the school choice movement. It shows once again that public money risks government control. The central issue, described by Robert Pondiscio of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, is whether schools that accept government money can exclude students who identify themselves … Read more

The War on Dress Codes in Schools

One of the most controversial elements in any school is the dress code. Many students will push the boundaries of the code as far as they can. Some teachers, saying something like, “I don’t care what they wear as long as they learn,” think dress codes are silly. Other teachers believe they are essential. Administrators … Read more

Sarah Sanders Turns the Other Cheek at The Red Hen

Return to Order Sarah Sanders Turns the Other Cheek at The Red Hen

It was a small incident first reported on Twitter that later went viral. In the middle of a meal with family, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia. The staff did not feel comfortable serving her party. Sarah turned the other cheek and left, … Read more