Seven Reasons that Catholic Schools Should Resist Buying Tickets for the STEM Train

Why is American education constantly redefining itself? Primarily because modern education practices have problems that the educrats can’t or won’t fix. Despite appearances to the contrary, schools know how to raise academic standards, enforce student discipline and prepare students for future challenges. They just don’t want to do those things. Order Today: Return to Order: … Read more

Nine Strategies to Fix America’s Broken Public Schools

Nine Strategies to Fix America’s Broken Public Schools

I just finished reading a New York Times article titled “School is for Everyone.” It promoted the argument that public education is essential to American life. The article’s author, Anya Kamenetz, began with a historical statement relating to Horace Mann—often (and justly) called the father of American public education. The Purpose of Public Education Mrs. … Read more

How Schools Officials Avoid ‘Red Flag Words’ that Will Upset Parents

How School Officials Avoid ‘Red Flag Words’ that Will Upset Parents

The North Carolina Department of Education is afraid of concerned parents. This inevitable conclusion comes from a recently-released report from the watchdog group “No Left Turn in Education.” The report is substantial, running to 216 pages. Like many documents related to education, it is not easy reading. Free Book: Return to Order: From a Frenzied … Read more

Education Declined When We Stopped Searching for God

Education Declined When We Stopped Searching for God

Learning is among the most basic human acts. We see this observing the very young. Parents see their babies change dramatically as they learn new skills set for communication and movement. God endows individuals with the ability to reason. Upon this foundation, people develop their physical appearances, strengths, qualities, interests and talents. The Abdication of … Read more

Do America’s Schools Imprison Our Children in the Depths of Despair?

Do America’s Schools Imprison Our Children in the Depths of Despair?

“Strong evidence is emerging that we are mostly succeeding in creating a generation of overwhelmed young people paralyzed into learned helplessness.” Robert Pondiscio of the American Enterprise Institute provides this harrowing conclusion. He spelled out the supporting logic in a recent article in Commentary magazine with the compelling title, “The Unbearable Bleakness of American Schooling.” … Read more

What Is Culture? All That Enhances the Human Mind

What Is Culture? All That Enhances the Human Mind

What Is Culture? People answer this question in many different ways. Some are inspired by philology, others by all kinds of philosophical and social systems. So many contradictions have arisen around Defining culture, and the related word “civilization” gives rise to so many contradictions that international congresses of scholars and professors have met especially to … Read more