Property Owners and Consumers Pay the Tab for Climate Alarmism

Property Owners and Consumers Pay the Tab for Climate Alarmism

Middle-class households feel the pinch of rising costs associated with environmental regulations that impose additional taxes and stringent penalties for not towing the “green line.” In Paris, for instance, if a building is old and fails an energy efficiency assessment, it can result in substantial financial burdens. Owners of thermally inefficient homes must conduct an … Read more

The Paradox of Sustainability: How Green Dreams Fuel Criminal Schemes

The Paradox of Sustainability: How Green Dreams Fuel Criminal Schemes

Green energy initiatives often generate bright, hopeful narratives of a cleaner, more sustainable future. They also give rise to a dark, tragic side when unintended consequences appear. One such case is the creation of great demand for metals and special materials that leads to surges in ‘green’ crime. Theft of these materials is driving costs … Read more

Through Fear, Strident Words and Sloppy Statistics, the International Energy Agency Plots an Eco-Future

Through Fear, Strident Words and Sloppy Statistics, the International Energy Agency Plots an Eco-Future

Perhaps no industry is more inherently prone to gigantism than energy production. Locating the raw materials, be they coal, oil or natural gas, is speculative and expensive. Refining and transporting those raw materials makes them even more costly. Turning them into electric power requires massive boilers and other machinery. Then, distributing this energy to a … Read more

Unreliable Wind and Solar Energy Will Not Save the World

Unreliable Wind and Solar Energy Will Not Save the World

About twenty years ago, a neighbor related a story from his youth on a farm in Missouri during the early thirties. The family’s only source of electricity was a windmill that recharged a battery. When the wind blew steadily through the day, the battery got enough power for three hours of radio and one electric … Read more

Why Is Biden’s SEC Waging War on American Energy?

Why Is Biden’s SEC Waging War on American Energy?

Russia’s war on Ukraine is changing the geopolitics of the world. The delicate situation calls for agility and improvising to adjust to a crisis that could quickly become ugly. The Biden Administration and Western Europe have imposed sanctions as part of a strategy to end the war. However, the Administration is also applying “sanctions” upon … Read more

Why Can’t the Greens Accept Nuclear Power as Ecologically Correct?

Why Can’t the Greens Accept Nuclear Power as Ecologically Correct?

The Green movement has an atom-sized problem that is destroying its credibility. On the one hand, scientists and engineers are refining and advancing ecologically friendly ways of producing nuclear power. There is a rejuvenated interest in this nuclear power option. Rolls Royce is planning to build small reactors in England. Emmanuel Macron recently announced the … Read more

How the Greens Are Taking Down Big Energy From Within

The left exploits the Green Revolution to further its ecological agenda of destroying the present economic system. Its special target has long been Big Oil, which plays a dominant role in the global economy. Bolstered by the support of Big Media, Green activists are trying hard to bring the present system down. The Greens’ relentless … Read more