The Way Christians Dress Expresses Their Lived Christianity

The Way Christians Dress Expresses Their Lived Christianity

This article is adapted from the presentation of the book, Christian Fashion In the Teaching of the Church, by the author at the Calx Mariae Publishing launch on June 9, 2022 at the Brompton Oratory in, London. ✧                    †                    ✧ My book is an answer to the Dom Pollien, who concludes his book Lived Christianity with a question: “You … Read more

Pierre Cardin: The Death of a Man Who Destroyed Fashion

As 2020 finally came to an end, someone very important died. He was not a politician or statesman. He was not part of academia or the business world. However, his corrupting influence impacted generations. Few have not been exposed to his work. The man was the fashion designer, Pierre Cardin. He died on December 29, … Read more

Why Novelty Never Satisfies and Can Destroy Fashions

The media would have us believe that novelty is a means of popularity and profit. The lure of the “new and improved” will translate into success and well-being. Novelty is also associated with youth and people can appear younger by buying the latest product. This is especially true in fashions. Following the latest fashion fad … Read more

The War on Dress Codes in Schools

One of the most controversial elements in any school is the dress code. Many students will push the boundaries of the code as far as they can. Some teachers, saying something like, “I don’t care what they wear as long as they learn,” think dress codes are silly. Other teachers believe they are essential. Administrators … Read more

Is It Immodest to Wear Deliberately Ripped Clothes?

Return to Order Is It Immodest to Wear Deliberately Ripped Clothes?

Perhaps one of the more sensitive personal issues you can raise with people is that of dress. How you dress has become a purely personal affair. Most are left to their own opinion as to what is appropriate. There are, of course, some limits. Most Catholics will admit in theory that there is something that … Read more