Were the Founders Isolationists? History Says No

Were the Founders Isolationists? History Says No

As nationalism and populist political philosophies gain traction, many Americans are adopting isolationist and noninterventionist positions. An America-first approach calls for focusing on national problems. The isolationist argument is that the burden of international commitments has weighed heavily upon the nation for too long. Let others deal with these problems and intervene. A Return to … Read more

Why America Must Reject Isolationism and Its Dangers

Why America Must Reject Isolationism and Its Dangers

As the present liberal order crumbles, many are proposing alternatives that call for major changes to the flawed, globalized structures that now shape the world. Some sectors of the public are turning to nationalist and populistic movements that turn inward and call for walking away from world commitments and focusing solely on local problems. In … Read more

How Should America Deal with Iran? Not by Surrendering


The world was stunned on January 3 when the United States military launched a missile strike that killed notorious Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani. Even bigger than the explosion in Baghdad, however, was the debate over the use of force against Iran, and whether the attack would provoke World War III. In fact, Iran has … Read more