The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith

The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith

It was March of 1585. After three exhausting years spent traveling halfway around the world, Julian and his friends, all Japanese converts to the Catholic Faith, looked out on Rome. They were probably the first Japanese to gaze on the Eternal City, which seemed like something out of a dream. As they arrived, a large … Read more

Japanese Housing: When a Culture Fades Away

Return to Order Japanese Housing: When a Culture Fades Away 2

They are called minka, a Japanese word that means “people’s houses.” Minka are enchanting handcrafted country homes scattered across the Japanese countryside. Before World War II, these were indeed the people’s houses, reflecting ancient traditions and natural lifestyles. Most minka consists of heavy pine rafters with slender bamboo cross beams. Typical characteristics are long windows, … Read more

The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith

Return to Order The Martyrs of Japan: Champions of the Faith 5

It was March of 1585. After three exhausting years spent travelling halfway around the world, Julian and his friends, all Japanese converts to the Catholic Faith, looked out on Rome. They were the first Japanese to gaze on the Eternal City, which seemed like something out of a dream. As they arrived, a large crowd … Read more