How “Psychonauts” Want to Take Society Down a Dark and Macabre Path

How “Psychonauts” Want to Take Society Down a Dark and Macabre Path

On the outer limits of unreality, some individuals are exploring new frontiers that they hope will take them beyond a fleeting state of drugged ecstasy. These pioneers seek mind-altering experiences that might last for days, using a nascent technology known as extended-state DMT. Things are still not in place, but the day is fast approaching … Read more

Marijuana Use: the Basis for a Godless Culture

Many discuss the dangers of marijuana but few address how it can destroy Western Christian culture. The Liberal Agenda To Legalize Marijuana However, this harm is plausible, given the left’s efforts to make the legalization of marijuana a vital part of its agenda. A decriminalization bill will soon be presented to the House of Representatives.1 … Read more