Our Lady of the Militia: How Sicily was Saved From Invasion

Our Lady of the Militia: How Sicily was Saved From Invasion

Most Catholics are not aware of the story of how Our Lady repelled a Muslim invasion of Sicily on horseback and in armor. Perhaps this miraculous deliverance from ruin is unknown because it is so contrary to today’s spirit of rampant ecumenism. Back in 1091, Sicily was under the sway of the Normans, a warlike … Read more

Is Italy a Subdued Nation?

Is Italy a Conquered Nation?

Islam is Arabic for “submission.” A Muslim submits to Allah, to his word (Quaran), his law (sharia), to the political authorities that represent him (Khilafat), and to his community (ummah). But one can live in an Islamic society (Dar-al-Islam) without being Muslim, albeit as a second-class citizen (dhimmi). Dhimmis are guaranteed their personal safety and … Read more

El Cid, the Lonely Crusader

El Cid, the Lonely Crusader

The Reconquest of Spain from the Muslim occupation suffered several setbacks and reversals. But in the darkest hours, a selfless hero always arose to stem an impending onslaught. Such a danger threatened the Spanish Christians late in the eleventh century when a fanatical horde of North African Berbers invaded the peninsula. An overwhelming disaster was … Read more

Why Are so Many Muslims Leaving Islam?

Why Are so Many Muslims Leaving Islam?

The ever-present specter of Islamism and its anti-Christian beliefs should not be taken lightly. As Luiz Sérgio Solimeo describes in his book, Islam and the Suicide of the West, Islam strongly tends towards radical violent attitudes toward the West. Wherever Islam takes over, it leaves room for little else. However, there are surprising developments inside … Read more