Why Must ‘Extreme’ Heat Waves Be Turned Into National Disasters?

Why Must ‘Extreme’ Heat Waves Be Turned Into National Disasters?

As summer progresses, the national conversation is turned toward the weather. There seems to be no end to the extreme heat waves hitting the nation. Dramatic stories of heat alerts affecting tens of millions dominate the headlines. While the media inevitably link the “extreme” heat to climate change, others sensationalize and weaponize the weather to … Read more

Why National Divorce Is a Horrible Idea that Will Destroy America

Why National Divorce Is a Horrible Idea that Will Destroy America

Some traditional-minded Americans use a horrible metaphor to describe an outcome they desire for the nation. The metaphor is divorce, and the outcome is a separation of a State from the American Union. Proposing a national divorce is like demanding a figurative abortion for some unwanted social problem. Divorce and abortion are never solutions, literally … Read more

Three Reasons Why a “National Divorce” Will Shatter America

Three Reasons Why a “National Divorce” Will Shatter America

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling for a “national divorce” between red and blue states in thrice-repeated statements. Her appeal for an “amicable separation” has provoked much discussion about the sorry state of the national union. It sounds very simple. There truly are irreconcilable differences between liberals and conservatives on issues like procured abortion, gun … Read more

Can the Strong Gods Save Us?

The cultural devastation around us leads many to ask where we went wrong. Most realize it did not happen overnight. A long process has brought us to ruin. R. Reno’s book, Return of the Strong Gods: Nationalism, Populism, and the Future of the West, is an accurate, even refreshing critique of the post-war consensus that … Read more

Winston Churchill, Charlie Gard, and Alfie Evans

Return to Order Winston Churchill, Charlie Gard, and Alfie Evans

It is possible to see 1945 as the watershed of the twentieth century. The fall of Nazi Germany, the capitulation of Japan, the first use of atomic weapons, the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Yalta and Potsdam conferences, and the beginning of the Cold War all happened during that epic twelve months. Within the … Read more