Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant Is Doing the Impossible

Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant Is Doing the Impossible

Right now, smartphone addiction is out of control. Things have reached such a point that the average American checks his phone 352 times a day—once every two minutes and 43 seconds. But right now, a restaurant in Italy—and free wine—is doing what many thought impossible: It is separating people from their phones. Order Today: Return … Read more

The Evidence is Clear—Cellphones and Learning Do Not Mix

The Evidence is Clear – Cellphones and Learning Do Not Mix

Distraction has always been a teacher’s biggest problem. After all, lessons can only take root if students are paying attention. Distractions are inevitable. No teacher, no matter how skilled, can filter them all out. Kids bring their distractions to school with them. A sick parent, a lost dog, lack of breakfast, an argument on the … Read more

Control It and You Control Everything

Return to Order Control It and You Control Everything

A recent ad for the latest smartphone by Motorola contains the slogan, Control It and You Control Everything. This ad markets an exaggerated claim that the phone will give its owner omnipotent power and control over everything. Is Technology Ruining Your Life? Take A Quick Quiz To Find Out By Clicking Here. Indeed, the ad … Read more