In New Autobiography: Pope Francis Again Defends Civil Unions for Homosexuals

In New Autobiography: Pope Francis Again Defends Civil Unions for Homosexuals

Pope Francis’ new autobiographical book,1 written with journalist Fabio Marchese Ragona, was recently released. It is titled Pope Francis’ Life: My Story Through History and has been translated into several languages. It was published simultaneously in Europe and America by HarperCollins.2 The Communist Who Taught Pope Francis to Think The 232-page book tells the story … Read more

Pope Francis Wishes Hell Were Empty

“Remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin.” This good counsel from Holy Scripture (Ecclus. 7:36) is especially relevant today with the loss of the love of God and the sense of sin. Unfortunately, one cause of this loss is that the faithful rarely hear from the pulpit anymore about the last end. Church … Read more

Pope Francis Authorizes Blessing Homosexual Couples and Adulterers with a Declaration and a “Clarification” that Favor Sin

Pope Francis Authorizes Blessing Homosexual Couples and Adulterers with a Declaration and a “Clarification” that Favor Sin

Amid the worst crisis in the Church’s history, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published the December 18 Declaration Fiducia Supplicans (FS), authorizing priests to bless adulterous and homosexual relationships. There followed a Clarification confirming what the declaration said. Both statements favor adulterous couples and homosexual pairs at a time when civil laws … Read more

Pope Francis and the “Global Conflict” in 2024

Pope Francis and the “Global Conflict” in 2024

What is the state of the world in this opening of 2024? Pope Francis outlined a broad picture in his Jan. 8 address to ambassadors to the Holy See, gathered for the traditional New Year’s audience. There is a first point that deserves to be emphasized. Pope Francis does not habitually quote Pius XII. This … Read more

Why Does Pope Francis Target American Catholics?

Why Does Pope Francis Target American Catholics?

Despite efforts to adjust to the theological rollercoaster of the Francis papacy, the American clergy finds itself the frequent target of his offensive remarks. A new study on priests and seminarians in America gives some insight into the reasons behind the attacks. The liberal Pope Francis has called upon Catholics to embrace controversial positions on … Read more

Pope Francis Enthusiastically Greets Andres Serrano of “P*** Christ” Infamy

Pope Francis Enthusiastically Greets Andres Serrano of “P*** Christ” Infamy

Over his ten-year pontificate, Pope Francis has scandalized the Catholic faithful through actions and words contrary to Catholic doctrine and morals. Here are some examples: He has welcomed warmly and supported unreservedly people living in public sin, such as homosexual and “transgender” “couples,” and appointed ecclesiastics who support them to high positions in the Church.1 … Read more

Can Non-Catholics Be Martyrs and Doctors of the Church? Pope Francis Thinks So

Can Non-Catholics Be Martyrs and Doctors of the Church? Pope Francis Thinks So

In February 2015, the world was stunned by a video released by ISIS, the Islamist terrorist movement, showing the beheading of twenty-one Christians who preferred death rather than submitting to Islam. They were kidnapped Coptic Orthodox Christians and were slaughtered in Libya. Order Today: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian … Read more

Pope Francis Wages Unjust War on the Latin Mass

Pope Francis Wages Unjust War on the Latin Mass

Shortly after returning from his Africa trip (January 31–February 5, 2023), where he celebrated a Zaire rite Mass to the sound of drums and dances,1 Pope Francis hastened to take another step to hinder even further the celebration and attendance of the traditional Latin Mass. On February 20, Arthur Cardinal Roche, Prefect of the Dicastery … Read more

Pope Francis: “If I See the Gospel in a Sociological Way Only, Yes, I Am a Communist, and So Too Is Jesus”

Pope Francis: “If I See the Gospel in a Sociological Way Only, Yes, I Am a Communist, and So Too Is Jesus”

Last November, Pope Francis gave the Jesuits of left-leaning America magazine an extensive and exclusive interview on “a wide range of topics . . . including polarization in the U.S. church, racism, the war in Ukraine, the Vatican’s relations with China and church teaching on the ordination of women.”1 “I Am a Communist, and So … Read more