The SAT and ACT Aren’t Perfect, But They Are Far Superior to the Leftists’ Alternatives

The SAT and ACT Aren’t Perfect, But They Are Far Superior to the Leftists’ Alternatives

“Education is the path to a better future.” This statement is widely—almost universally—accepted throughout the world. No sane person disagrees with it. Many might argue about the various components of that education, some arguing for the liberal arts and others placing greater emphasis on more practical pursuits. Others might debate the best environment for education. … Read more

The Old Prejudices and the New: The Saga of the SAT

The College Board is scared of the equity movement. Scared people make bad decisions. Creating a so-called adversity score of a college entrance test is one of the worst possible decisions. In its misbegotten attempt to create an equal world, the board only succeeds in making the process of college admission even more impenetrable. The … Read more