These Are the Severe New Casualties of the Sexual Revolution

If there were a war in which the casualty figures reached one million people killed or wounded, most people would want to do something drastic to stop it. Imagine if most of those affected were young people. Consider the family, friends and community of the fallen that also would suffer greatly from these losses. This … Read more

Millennials Reject the Divorce Culture

Change is very much a factor in modern society. Many of those changes have undermined the traditional family. The results are all around us. Children are more emotionally isolated from parents. Social media has replaced the extended family. Broken homes seem to outnumber those that are intact. Once in a while, though, there is a … Read more

The Other Sexual Abuse Culture That No One Dares to Mention

With the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, the sexual assault debate has ignited once again, as it will with each new accusation—whether true or false—of high profile celebrities or public figures. Every time, we hear the same message: There is an abuse of power that allows people to force themselves upon others. We are urged to reject … Read more

The Sexual State: A Report from the Battlefield

The Sexual Revolution of the sixties is portrayed as a rebellion against the Establishment. It was a spontaneous love fest that allowed youth to do their own thing in an atmosphere of serendipitous freedom. Women were liberated from past oppression. It set in motion other movements that advanced ever greater sexual freedom. At least, that’s … Read more

The War on Dress Codes in Schools

One of the most controversial elements in any school is the dress code. Many students will push the boundaries of the code as far as they can. Some teachers, saying something like, “I don’t care what they wear as long as they learn,” think dress codes are silly. Other teachers believe they are essential. Administrators … Read more

Outspoken Professor Ousted for Pro-life Views Speaks at TFP Event

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Outspoken Belgian Prof. Stephane Mercier addressed a full house of friends and supporters at the Tradition, Family Property Washington Bureau on January 20 in McLean, Virginia. His talk, “The Bitter Fruits of the Sexual Revolution,” was attended by many who had been to the March for Life the day before. The American TFP Washington Bureau … Read more

The Rage of the New Puritans Is Sweeping America

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The announcement that the “Silence Breakers” have been named “Person of the Year” by TIME magazine has catapulted the sexual harassment scandals into the national spotlight. Sexual assault in the workplace has taken on crisis proportions. Many are saying that men and women will soon revert to minimizing contact among themselves. They fear a new … Read more

The Sexual Harassment Crisis: Is It a Theological Problem?

The Sexual Harassment Crisis: Is It a Theological Problem?

The rash of sexual harassment scandals is sweeping the nation to the point that it seems almost no male is exempt from its terrible fury. Anyone can be denounced by the media. Liberals point to “toxic masculinity” and social structures that must be overthrown. Feminists blame the remnants of patriarchy that manage to survive in … Read more

Why Millennials Don’t Follow the Liberal Narrative

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The standard narrative about today’s millennials is that they are unpredictable. They are very fluid and undefined. Despite this changeability, most people automatically assume that millennials are predictably liberal. The facts, however, tell a different story. Researchers who study the habits and attitudes of millennials do not support this forgone conclusion. Indeed, liberal-minded people are … Read more

Norma Leah McCorvey: Believing God’s Promises

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The news of the death of Norma Leah McCorvey has spread through the pro-life and conservative world. The 69-year-old lady was well-known as the plaintiff in the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision striking down all abortion laws in the United States. Although she never did have the abortion made legally possible by the … Read more