Francis’s Holy Year Also Promotes Sin

Francis’s Holy Year Also Promotes Sin

On December 24, Pope Francis inaugurated the Holy Year 2025 by opening the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica. The Holy Year is a jubilee held every 25 years in which the Church grants plenary indulgences to visitors of the four Roman patriarchal basilicas (Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, and the basilicas of St. Peter’s, … Read more

Dignitas Infinita, a Confusing and Naturalistic Declaration

Dignitas Infinita, a Confusing and Naturalistic Declaration

After the widespread negative repercussions about Fiducia supplicans, with entire episcopates refusing to bless “homosexual couples” and “irregular couples,”1 the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has published a new document, also with the pope’s approval: “Dignitas Infinita,” the Declaration on Human Dignity (which we will refer to as DI).2 A Traditional Document? Unlike … Read more

Pope Francis Authorizes Blessing Homosexual Couples and Adulterers with a Declaration and a “Clarification” that Favor Sin

Pope Francis Authorizes Blessing Homosexual Couples and Adulterers with a Declaration and a “Clarification” that Favor Sin

Amid the worst crisis in the Church’s history, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published the December 18 Declaration Fiducia Supplicans (FS), authorizing priests to bless adulterous and homosexual relationships. There followed a Clarification confirming what the declaration said. Both statements favor adulterous couples and homosexual pairs at a time when civil laws … Read more

Pope Francis Increases Confusion on the Homosexual Sin

Pope Francis has inaugurated a new kind of magisterium—media interviews. Amid relaxed conversations with journalists, he addresses complex doctrinal topics that require precision and clarity. “Talismanic Words” Journalists pick through his confusing expressions looking for soundbites to turn into headlines for their media outlets and then spread them worldwide. One could call these slogans “talismanic … Read more

Sin: The One Influence Not Allowed to Explain Our Crisis

Sin: The One Influence Not Allowed to Explain Our Crisis

As the midterms fade away, most conservatives are left feeling uneasy about the results. The pundits and media have had their day in explaining why the Republicans did so poorly. Fingers pointed everywhere with all sorts of accusations, credible and farfetched. No one is completely happy with the explanations. However, one factor weighs heavily upon … Read more

Francis’s Responsibility Facing Homosexual Heresy and the Transgender Dictatorship

Francis’s Responsibility Facing Homosexual Heresy and the Transgender Dictatorship

Starting this spring, Villanova University near Philadelphia adopted “inclusive language” that promotes “transgenderism.” It calls itself a Catholic university. Founded and run by the Augustinian order, Fr. Peter M. Donohue, OSA, PhD. is the current president. Its Mission Statement reads: “Villanova University is a Catholic Augustinian community of higher education, committed to excellence and distinction … Read more

For Pope Francis, the Holy Eucharist Is the “Bread of Sinners,” for Saint Thomas Aquinas, It Is “Panis Angelorum”

Corpus Christi is the grand and solemn liturgical feast in praise of the Blessed Sacrament. Inspired by Saint Juliana of Mont Cornillon (1193–1258), it originated in the Middle Ages. Pope Urban IV approved it with the Bull Transiturus of September 8, 1264, and asked Saint Thomas Aquinas to compose its liturgical office. Hence, we owe to Saint … Read more

What Has Happened to Our Sense of Shame?

We used to have a sense of shame that influenced our behavior. Reflecting upon a vile word or deed might cause shame to rise up in us. When admonished for wearing something revealing or improper, it could trigger a movement of shame. Betraying faith, family or principles were once considered shameful acts to be avoided … Read more