Senator Sasse’s Missing Pronouns

In our polarized nation, an “us versus them” scenario naturally arises. We are not supposed to frame the debate in this way. “Us” should refer to all Americans. “Them” is a term that is better not used at all. This is the central message of Sen. Ben Sasse’s new book, Them: Why We Hate Each Other … Read more

The Father Figure As He Should Be

Return to Order The Father Figure As He Should Be

The figure of the father is under attack these days. To those who insist upon total equality, he is seen as an overbearing figure who has long abused his power. Like all symbols of authority, he must be overthrown. It is curious that whenever feminists wish to attack the father, somewhere in their long tirades, … Read more

How National Unity Is Forged in Unexpected Places

Return to Order How National Unity Is Forged in Unexpected Places

As the country struggles to find points of unity during this election year, politicians are offering all sorts of economic policies to bring together a fractured nation. They say jobs, wages and trade will make America prosperous and united again. However, the means to achieve this goal—whether it be by the government or the market—only … Read more