America’s New Catholic Priests Turn Right

America’s New Catholic Priests Turn Right

Dioceses across the country have long suffered from a vocation crisis. The number of new priests has failed to keep up as older priests retire and die. Many bishops have had to resort to foreign priests to fill the gap. The crisis is far from over. However, something new is happening in the field. Some … Read more

Let’s Offer Young People “Callings” Not Weird Titles

Children are often asked what they want to do when they grow up. The questioning does not end with childhood or even adolescence. Many young adults are still searching for the answer even after college. The answer is important since today’s materialistic society places a lot of emphasis on what people do. As a result, … Read more

Message to Graduates in 2018: Graduate

Return to Order Five Pieces of Advice for Graduates: To ‘Adult’ or Not to ‘Adult’

It is that time of the year again when students graduate from their high schools and colleges. The graduation ceremony is a rite of passage that is so much a part of our tradition. Commencement speakers call upon graduates to dream, hope and plan for the future. While such words may seem proper for these … Read more