The Problem Is the Banana on the Wall

The Problem Is the Banana on the Wall

Everyone has an explanation for the turn of events in November. It’s the economy, the culture, a failure to connect with working-class Americans. All these are valid reasons. However, I have my own explanation that sheds some light on what has gone wrong in America. It explains something of the craziness of our times. Order … Read more

Not All Walls Are Bad: It Depends on Who They Protect

“I don’t know what’s happening with this new culture of defending territories by building walls. We already knew one, that (one) in Berlin, which brought so many headaches and so much suffering,” – Pope Francis, quoted in Reuters, May 28, 2019 As the above quote indicates, Pope Francis opposes the idea of walls, especially a … Read more

This Is Really Why People Hate Walls

If there is one thing that is certain about the shutdown, it is not only about the wall. There are many levels of discussion in this debate that involve more fundamental issues than just a physical structure. Understanding these issues can make sense out of the present impasse. Of course, there is a debate about … Read more