The Hidden Consequences of Work From Home

The Hidden Consequences of Work From Home

Talk to people seeking new jobs, and invariably, they will say their ideal is working from home. It is not a new idea. For example, remote field personnel working in sales or service positions with a ‘home office’ have worked from home for decades. The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdowns accelerated the work-from-home movement (WFH) … Read more

What If We Have a Booming Economy and Nobody Shows Up?

What If We Have a Booming Economy and Nobody Shows Up?

The labor market is tight as employers scramble to find workers. Too many jobs are chasing too few workers. The official narrative is that the crisis is caused by the “Great Resignation,” a move in which workers are resigning in record numbers to seek more lucrative employment elsewhere. With the economy roaring back from the … Read more

Running Towards Exhaustion: the Rise of Burnout and the Unwilling American Worker

Running Towards Exhaustion: the Rise of Burnout and the Unwilling American Worker

Great dissatisfaction is afoot as American workers, especially younger generations, are taking stock of their workplaces and leaving. COVID-19 served as a trigger for a spate of professional soul-searching, giving rise to a “Great Resignation” as millions of people quit their jobs to search for something better. This something better might mean another job or … Read more

Why Schools Are Joining the War on Homework

Homework is, or at least used to be, universal. Those who enjoy learning often remember it as an important part of their own mental development. It helps to build responsibility, valuable habits, and the ability to grapple with a problem on your own. Like all students, I did my share of homework. As a parent, … Read more

The Advantage of Keeping the Economy Human

The Advantage of Keeping the Economy Human

Some people think of the new automated economy in terrifying and mechanical terms. In such a vision, machines reign supreme as they work tirelessly, silently and efficiently to maximize production and replace humans. Increasing automation will soon put tens of millions out of work and change lives for the worst. Indeed, people matter little in … Read more

The Big Pile of Work That Must Get Done

Return to Order The Big Pile of Work That Must Get Done

In face of a recession that never recedes, the assumption of a broad and growing prosperity for the middle class is in doubt. Gone are the heady days of the post-Cold War triumphalism of the nineties when optimistic observers believed that we might live forever in a kind of glorious consumerism. Instead, there is a … Read more

The Invisible Army That Occupies America

Return to Order An American 'Brexit' to Nowhere: Three Questions Need Answers First 4

Over the past few decades, America has been invaded by an invisible army of ten million men. The impact of this army is fast becoming a crisis in urgent need of solutions. You might assume that this army is made up of illegal immigrants who are taking away jobs and overwhelming social services. But in fact, … Read more

Work without Men

Return to Order Work without Men

Now that the elections are over, there is much talk of trade and jobs. Predictably, the highest priorities are being given to negotiating new trade arrangements and tax policies that will bring back jobs to America. It is true that businesses in America are overtaxed and overregulated. Anything that can be done to alleviate these … Read more