Thank you for passing on your gratitude to President Donald Trump’s support of Christmas.

These actions are a move in the direction to get society back on track to our Christian roots.

However, this change cannot come only from the top of society. It must also come from the active help of all God-fearing Americans.

With that, I would like to take this opportunity to offer you a FREE copy of my book, Return to Order as a gift this Christmas.

This book outlines the root causes of the crisis we find ourselves in and serves as a guide to get our country back to her Christian roots.

To claim your FREE copy of Return to Order, CLICK HERE (shipping and handling is also FREE)

We also offer the book in audio and eBook formatting.

To download the FREE audio-book version of Return to Order, CLICK HERE

To get the eBook version, CLICK HERE

Finally, some have read the book, and wondered if there were any specific ways to apply the principles of Return to Order in their own lives. We have come up with an official study guide to help those wanting to take the next step to help bring about Christian society.

To download the FREE Return to Order Study Guide, CLICK HERE

Thank you again for your encouragement for the President’s good actions.

I remain,


John Horvat II