Thank you for honoring our soldiers!

Thank you very much for signing our petition to keep the Bible on the ‘Missing Man Table’ at the Manchester VA Medical Center.

In the past, the Bible and military went hand in hand with no objection. To think of separating the two was almost unimaginable.

But America has turning away from God and the rule of honor to individualism and political correctness. What we see in the military is only what has been overflowing from society.

The book Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to Organic Christian Society, demonstrates how this process began with frenetic intemperance and outlines how we as a nation can reverse this process to fruitful Christian order.

This work is so important, that I want to give it to you ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE.

To order a FREE copy of Return to Order, CLICK HERE (shipping and handling also FREE)

If you are outside the U.S., or prefer an electronic copy we also have Return to Order in digital and audio-book format (also FREE):

To download the FREE e-book version of Return to Order, CLICK HERE

To download the FREE audio-book version of Return to Order, CLICK HERE

I hope you find this helpful. Thank you again for standing with true American values, and keep up the good fight.

I remain,


Return to Order | reparation-pledge-met-RTOE0479




John Horvat