Dear Friend,
Thank you very much for your order. We will ship your Saint Michael’s Medals out as soon as possible. If you have any questions about your order, please call: 888-317-5571. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to lead a rally for our police officers. Let me explain the situation: police are a practical symbol of law and order, which are principles leftist agitators hate. The police not only keep us from anarchy; they remind us of a higher law and morality …and now they’re being persecuted for it. Sign up to hold a Saint Michael’s Rally for your What is worse, the police are beginning to feel abandoned by those they are protecting. Here’s an example: after defunding the Austin Texas police, one former officer wrote, “When you called, we came. When you were being victimized, we stepped in and stopped it…We put our lives in harm’s way when the wolf came for you. When you ran from gunfire, we ran toward it… The day came when we needed your help, but you never showed… When the time came for you to fight for us, you stayed home and kept silent…” Let the police know that you support them: This is only one voice of many police who feel abandoned by the community they are serving. Of course, you and I support the police. But they have no way to know that, and others who feel like you and me don’t know how to show support to the police. That’s why I’m encouraging you to sign up, and take a public stand for your local law enforcement with a Saint Michael’s Rally. Sign up to lead a Saint Michael’s Rally for the police It’s not hard at all. We will send you a FREE Saint Michael banner that says “Saint Michael, please protect our police so they can protect us,” with NO COST for shipping and handling. All you have to do is contact friends and family to come to your local police station and pray. Simple as that. This will encourage our police, giving them hope to selflessly serve and protect their people. It will let them know that they are not alone. But please sign up today so we can send your banner in time. I know the police will be grateful. It’s the least we can do for everything they have done for us. I remain,
John Horvat II Return to Order PS: Please encourage others to sign up and hold a Rosary Rally for the police in their suburb or town too! Send them this link: Thank you and God bless! Link: |