I now pray that you take another step in supporting God’s marriage and in opposing the homosexual agenda.
Please allow me to share some exciting news.
Prayer warriors are gearing up for rosary rallies on March 17th in 3,000 public locations all across America in defense of God’s marriage, praying and saying:
Marriage = One man + one woman!
Only God’s marriage is fruitful and brings about human life! And homosexual “marriage” mocks God’s plan for marriage and procreation, and opens the floodgates to unthinkable sins.
By doing thousands of rosary rallies at this critical point in America’s history, you and I can move God and the Blessed Mother to intervene and protect true marriage!
And I invite you to pray a rosary for marriage in a public place with a few friends.
Please go here to enroll as a rosary captain!
It’s simple. And we’ve done thousands of them for years.
You can become a rosary captain for God’s marriage by filling out the enclosed reply form. Please also indicate on the reply card if you need a free marriage rally banner that says:
Marriage = One man + one woman!
I will get that shipped out to you ASAP!
Already I’ve enclosed an instruction manual with my letter so you will know just what to do.
And if you have any questions, you can call me at 866-584-6012.
Not even Sodom and Gomorrah legalized homosexual “marriage.” Tragically, our Supreme Court did and with that America has become worse than Sodom (not in our hearts, but on an official level).
Since you are a God-fearing soul, I don’t need to explain to you what this means for the future of America and our children.
In good conscience, you and I cannot remain indifferent to this national sin.
But how can we fight back?
By the supernatural power of the Holy Rosary. Because there is no problem, no matter how grave, that the rosary cannot solve, as the Blessed Mother told Sister Lucia of Fatima.
So, we MUST turn to the rosary to win this historic spiritual battle.
That’s why we’re planning rosary rallies all across America at noon on Saturday, March 17th. We will beg Our Lord, Our Lady and Saint Joseph to favor true marriage and the traditional family. We will beg God to hear the cry of His people.
You are invited to be a rosary captain, which simply means to lead a rosary in a public place with a few friends. It’s simple.
Please go here to enroll as a rosary captain!
We did 21,570 rallies last October in the Public Square.
Let’s do 3,000 for traditional marriage now!
So please become a rosary captain on March 17th.
Our Blessed Mother is counting on you to become a rally captain.
And America Needs Fatima will support you, every step of the way.
As I said before, you can call 866-584-6012 for immediate assistance.
And in your instruction manual, you will find helpful tips and the full prayer program for the rally.
You will also receive a beautiful free banner that says, “God’s Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman.” (If you already have one, please use it.)
Plus, as we pray for God’s marriage, we also pray and ask for the fulfillment of the Virgin Mary’s promise at Fatima in these words:
“Finally, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!”
Her triumph is coming. Until then, we must proclaim to the world the hope and certainty in Her triumph.
So, please sign up to become a rosary rally captain today!
As I said, the rallies for God’s marriage will take place in honor of St. Joseph, on the 17th, the Saturday closest to His feast day, March 19th.
See, St. Joseph is our powerful patron. Why?
Because St. Joseph is the “Chaste Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
Never was there and never will there be a better, stronger, more perfect husband than Saint Joseph. The sacred and chaste marriage between St. Joseph and Our Lady was the holiest ever. Therefore, we ask St. Joseph to watch over us, to protect us and to restore Traditional Marriage.
And you can help restore traditional marriage by uniting yourself with Our Lady and St. Joseph and by doing a rosary rally.
In fact, most Americans love and support traditional marriage. On our public street campaigns, we see a majority of honks and thumbs up even in places where you wouldn’t expect it. (You can see a video of HONKS in Brooklyn in support of God’s marriage by going here:
But the liberal media and the radical homosexual movement work hard to move and finance large public opinion campaigns to replace traditional marriage with same-sex “marriage.”
They even call these unnatural and sinful arrangements “families.”
Sadly, many politicians and clergy who support traditional marriage fail to stand up to the advancing homosexual agenda. That is why the lay Catholics like you and I must do it!
So, please stand with thousands of rosary captains, with St. Joseph and with the whole heavenly court and do a rosary rally on March 17th.
Thank you!
John Horvat II
P.S. – These are exciting time to be alive and be a rosary captain for God’s marriage, as we help to bring about the awesome promise of Our Lady of Fatima, that:
“Finally, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!”
Her triumph is coming. Until then, we must proclaim to the world the hope and certainty in Her triumph.
So, please sign up on the enclosed reply form to become a rosary captain today!
As I said, the rallies for God’s marriage will take place in honor of St. Joseph, on the 17th, the Saturday closest to His feast day, March 19th.