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Swiss Guards Swear Their Oaths of Service to God and His Church

Swiss Guards Swear Their Oaths of Service to God and His Church

Swiss Guards Swear Their Oaths of Service to God and His Church Photo: © Michael Haynes On May 6, the Vatican was host to the annual spectacle of the swearing-in ceremony for the Swiss Guards, with 34...
Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant Is Doing the Impossible

Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant Is Doing the Impossible

Free Wine at a New Italian Restaurant Is Doing the Impossible Right now, smartphone addiction is out of control. Things have reached such a point that the average American checks his phone 352 times a...
Will Cellphones, COVID and Student Disengagement Destroy the Deplorable Legacy of “Progressive” Education and John Dewey?

Will Cellphones, COVID and Student Disengagement Destroy the Deplorable Legacy of “Progressive” Education and John Dewey?

Will Cellphones, COVID and Student Disengagement Destroy the Deplorable Legacy of “Progressive” Education and John Dewey? A new expression is increasingly appearing in the education press—student disengagement....
Why Should the United States Struggle to be Ecologically Fair, While China Does Not?

Why Should the United States Struggle to be Ecologically Fair, While China Does Not?

Why Should the United States Struggle to be Ecologically Fair, While China Does Not? Today, China leads the world in carbon dioxide emissions, water and land pollution and the reduction of natural resources....
Irish Episcopal Reshuffle Highlights Decline of Faith in Nation

Irish Episcopal Reshuffle Highlights Decline of Faith in Nation

Irish Episcopal Reshuffle Highlights Decline of Faith in Nation In a move that has been described as the largest restructuring of the Church in Ireland for nine centuries, Pope Francis recently moved several...
How a Lady With a Hat Found Trouble in Paradise

How a Lady With a Hat Found Trouble in Paradise

How a Lady With a Hat Found Trouble in Paradise Photo: © Kate R. Farrell, CC BY-SA 4.0 The elderly lady wore a hat. It was something I noticed in the terminal awaiting my flight. Her hat stood out since...
Why Are University Students Converting to Catholicism?

Why Are University Students Converting to Catholicism?

Why Are University Students Converting to Catholicism? For a long time, public universities have been the place where students have lost their Faith. The pressure of secular professors, sexual promiscuity...
The White Christian Nationalism Scare: Is it a Real Threat or a Social(ist) Construct?

The White Christian Nationalism Scare: Is it a Real Threat or a Social(ist) Construct?

The White Christian Nationalism Scare: Is it a Real Threat or a Social(ist) Construct? In the eyes of liberals, there is only one thing worse than Christian nationalism. It is white Christian nationalism....
A Small Michigan Town Faces An Economic Contest Against Xi Jinping’s China. Can It Win?

A Small Michigan Town Faces An Economic Contest Against Xi Jinping’s China. Can It Win?

A Small Michigan Town Faces An Economic Contest Against Xi Jinping’s China. Can It Win? On paper, this could be many people’s dreams come true. A multinational corporation wants to build a $2.4 billion...
TFP Regional Conferences Feature Talks on Confidence, Polarization and the Counter-Revolution in America

TFP Regional Conferences Feature Talks on Confidence, Polarization and the Counter-Revolution in America

TFP Regional Conferences Feature Talks on Confidence, Polarization and the Counter-Revolution in America The theme of battling for the Church and Christian civilization could not be more urgent. For this...