The Influence of Technology on Man

“As a consequence, man has little personality. Because he relies on technology for everything he feels lost without it.”

Technology is a part of everybody’s lives today. Since the time of his birth, man is treated as a number in the system. In the future, he mechanically goes through the day checking emails, driving to work, looking at the time on one’s phone and so on.

In due time all these things will have an effect on a person. He feels empty. The rhythms of life begins to pick up and the melody is thrown out the window. He is always busy. The machines which were made to make the life of man easy have enslaved him, and now there is no escape.

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The influence technology has on a persons life is multifaceted and can be summed up on a single term: frenetic intemperance, that is, the tendency to throw off legitimate restraint and give free reign to one’s unbridled passions. The need for speed is almost always among these disordered passions, because it seems to give man a freedom from his natural inabilities.

The speed of a car takes man at speeds that could never be achieved before, but because he drives the car, he feels that he is somehow connected. He becomes one with the machine. The assembly line is another example that comes to mind. One’s pace is regulated by the speed of the machine.

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This causes a dehumanizing effect, because instead of dealing with a human who could understand the difficulties fulfilling the assembly task, there is only a cold, rough, loud machine. In a sense, man is required to give up his own will, the desire for individuality, development of character, personal talent and conform to the mechanical device.

As a consequence, man has little personality. Because he relies on technology for everything he feels lost without it. The normal legitimate pleasures are not enough to keep him going. Only the extreme will satiate his growing desires.

Subscription6The idea of reflection and silence haunt him. “Good conversations only happen in movies, silence is for monks, rest comes after retirement, and then you die,” he thinks to himself. Profound ideas are never formed in his head due to his hours on internet. This makes man even more superficial than he was. The time seems to pass evermore rapidly during his work, and seems to drag on in boredom when there is nothing to do (as far as technology is concerned). Man essentially becomes a practical-atheist, believing in neither the soul nor the necessity of beauty. After this, the human element is lost, and man is as a homogeneous blob.